Thursday, April 10, 2008

Inspiration on the internet, are you kidding me??

I know it seems a bizarre concept to say the least, however; it is true.... there are actually (brace yourselves) inspirational stories on the world wide web (who would have ever imagined it?) 14 post surgery, I was having yet another mundane day in the midst of the world without cable or satelite TV and decided to "see" what I could find that had any type of moral value on the computer. I decided to watch "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. This man captured my heart in his ability to accept the things that God has presented him with and instead of standing around waiting for "his fate" he is instead ...embracing life!!!

Come to think of it... maybe....could it be that this is the way that God would have us all to live our lives? Jesus did... although he knew from birth his eternal purpose he also embraced life and lived his 33 years on this earth to the fullest.

Why is it that the average person is afraid to LIVE their lives with careless abandon? Why do we run away from challenges instead of embracing life? Why do we spend our lives burying our hopes, dreams, fears ,and abilities deep within our selves only to have them die long before our body ever gives out?

I am determined to live my life ... maybe not with reckless abandon...but I will live it as God directs me and I will choose to EMBRACE every day just like Randy is doing...just like Jesus did.
What about you...When life hands you lemons...make lemonade and share a glass with a friend !

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