Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Worries of a Mother..

Worry... A five letter word that can do more damage to a person physically, emotionally and spiritually than anyone can imagine. As a mother, that word is permanantly engrained into my very being. Moms worry about EVERYTHING... We worry when our kids are ______________ (fill in the blank). I have 2 wonderful boys but lately I find that I have been worrying more than normal about their happiness.

As much as I would love to have children that are never unhappy, that is just not a reality and thus I have been thrust into finding myself in a "funk" myself because I am not able to be much help to my boys when they are unhappy. Unfortunately, there have been more than a few unhappy moments of late for both boys. There are relationship struggles, past hurts, shifts in friendships, etc.. Some days there is too much drama for this mama!! I have been trying very hard to give my worries and strife to God. Sometimes though... I take them back and find myself fighting the urge to "fix things" myself. (as if I could).

Some of my worries as a mom don't even directly relate to my children.. I worry about the future... mine... thiers... our families.. the nations... I worry about all my "kiddos" whether they are church kids, school kids, my children's friends, etc.. Maybe I would be alot happier if I worried less and prayed more... I started a new bible study " The Prayer of Jabez" and it is amazing how much God wants to bless us if only we would ask. That is my prayer... that I will no longer worry about the things that I can't change but ask God instead to bless me, my children and family abundantly. Just like the song...my new motto is going to be "Don't worry... be happy" and perhaps my ultimate happiness is just a prayer away.

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